Diamond Package

  • Property Details
    The property detail report provides a comprehensive view of the property information, including characteristics, location, zoning, flood information, owner vesting, last two market sales, mortgage recording information, and basic tax information, including assessed value and current year property tax information.
  • Transaction History
    The transaction history report provides comprehensive transaction history details, including all ownership transfers, such as quit claims and market sales, plus any mortgages, including sale or refinance. It also provides releases, assignments and foreclosure information, enabling you to quickly understand a property’s financial situation.
  • Comparables
    Comparables (or comps) is a real estate appraisal term referring to properties with characteristics that are similar to a subject property whose value is being sought.
  • Foreclosure Activity
    Foreclosures can lower the value of all nearby houses. Foreclosures aren’t just bad for the homeowner who lost his home; they are also bad for the value of other homes in the neighborhood. If the foreclosure sale happens quickly, the value of your home might not be affected too much.
  • Neighbors Information
    The Neighbors Report lists nearby properties and their owners based on proximity to the subject property. It allows you to unselect properties that may not be applicable (across busy thoroughfares or in other neighborhood tracts), based on visual inspection of the integrated map.
  • Assessor Map
    Plat map is a document drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece of land. It gives the legal descriptions of pieces of real property by lot, street, and block number.
  • Demographics
    Demographics are the data that describes the composition of a population, such as age, race, gender, income, migration patterns and population growth. These statistics are an often overlooked but significant factor that affects how real estate is priced and what types of properties are in demand.
  • Public / Private Schools
    A public and private school report covers a varietyof school academics areas so parents can have abigger idea of the student-to-teacher ratio, APIscores, grade membership that might be helpful tonew or current parents.
  • *Crime Report
    Crime reports helps residents see and understand where crime is happening in their neighborhood and engage with their local law enforcement agencies.
  • *Sex Offender Report (*If available in the area)
    Sex offender report helps citizens with up-to-date sex offender information in the area.
  • Copy of Deed
    The deed is also known as a land contract or installment land contract. In a contract for deed, the seller, rather than a lending institution, finances the buyer’s purchase of the property.

Platinum Package

  • Property Details
    The property detail report provides a comprehensive view of the property information, including characteristics, location, zoning, flood information, owner vesting, last two market sales, mortgage recording information, and basic tax information, including assessed value and current year property tax information.
  • Transaction History
    The transaction history report provides comprehensive transaction history details, including all ownership transfers, such as quit claims and market sales, plus any mortgages, including sale or refinance. It also provides releases, assignments and foreclosure information, enabling you to quickly understand a property’s financial situation.
  • Comparables
    Comparables (or comps) is a real estate appraisal term referring to properties with characteristics that are similar to a subject property whose value is being sought.
  • Foreclosure Activity
    Foreclosures can lower the value of all nearby houses. Foreclosures aren’t just bad for the homeowner who lost his home; they are also bad for the value of other homes in the neighborhood. If the foreclosure sale happens quickly, the value of your home might not be affected too much.
  • Neighbors Information
    The Neighbors Report lists nearby properties and their owners based on proximity to the subject property. It allows you to unselect properties that may not be applicable (across busy thoroughfares or in other neighborhood tracts), based on visual inspection of the integrated map.
  • Assessor Map
    Plat map is a document drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece of land. It gives the legal descriptions of pieces of real property by lot, street, and block number.
  • Demographics
    Demographics are the data that describes the composition of a population, such as age, race, gender, income, migration patterns and population growth. These statistics are an often overlooked but significant factor that affects how real estate is priced and what types of properties are in demand.
  • Public / Private Schools
    A public and private school report covers a varietyof school academics areas so parents can have abigger idea of the student-to-teacher ratio, APIscores, grade membership that might be helpful tonew or current parents.
  • *Crime Report
    Crime reports helps residents see and understand where crime is happening in their neighborhood and engage with their local law enforcement agencies.

Gold Package

  • Property Details
    The property detail report provides a comprehensive view of the property information, including characteristics, location, zoning, flood information, owner vesting, last two market sales, mortgage recording information, and basic tax information, including assessed value and current year property tax information.
  • Transaction History
    The transaction history report provides comprehensive transaction history details, including all ownership transfers, such as quit claims and market sales, plus any mortgages, including sale or refinance. It also provides releases, assignments and foreclosure information, enabling you to quickly understand a property’s financial situation.
  • Comparables
    Comparables (or comps) is a real estate appraisal term referring to properties with characteristics that are similar to a subject property whose value is being sought.
  • Foreclosure Activity
    Foreclosures can lower the value of all nearby houses. Foreclosures aren’t just bad for the homeowner who lost his home; they are also bad for the value of other homes in the neighborhood. If the foreclosure sale happens quickly, the value of your home might not be affected too much.
  • Neighbors Information
    The Neighbors Report lists nearby properties and their owners based on proximity to the subject property. It allows you to unselect properties that may not be applicable (across busy thoroughfares or in other neighborhood tracts), based on visual inspection of the integrated map.
  • Assessor Map
    Plat map is a document drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece of land. It gives the legal descriptions of pieces of real property by lot, street, and block number.

Silver Package

  • Property Details
    The property detail report provides a comprehensive view of the property information, including characteristics, location, zoning, flood information, owner vesting, last two market sales, mortgage recording information, and basic tax information, including assessed value and current year property tax information.
  • Transaction History
    The transaction history report provides comprehensive transaction history details, including all ownership transfers, such as quit claims and market sales, plus any mortgages, including sale or refinance. It also provides releases, assignments and foreclosure information, enabling you to quickly understand a property’s financial situation.
  • Comparables
    Comparables (or comps) is a real estate appraisal term referring to properties with characteristics that are similar to a subject property whose value is being sought.
  • Foreclosure Activity
    Foreclosures can lower the value of all nearby houses. Foreclosures aren’t just bad for the homeowner who lost his home; they are also bad for the value of other homes in the neighborhood. If the foreclosure sale happens quickly, the value of your home might not be affected too much.