Neighbors Information


The neighbors report lists nearby properties and their owners based on proximity to the subject property.  It allows you to unselect properties that may not be applicable (across busy thoroughfares or in other neighborhood tracts), based on visual inspection of the integrated map.

  • Age Distribution
  • Population
  • Households
  • Medium Household Income
  • Household Income


Product Description

The neighbors report lists nearby properties and their owners based on proximity to the subject property.  It allows you to unselect properties that may not be applicable (across busy thoroughfares or in other neighborhood tracts), based on visual inspection of the integrated map.

Choose this report when you need to identify the neighbors of a property, including addresses, owner names, property characteristics, land use, and last sale information.

Last Transfer Document: Access the document image for the last transfer recorded.

Last Finance Document: Access the document image for the last finance recorded