Apartment Scams You Need to Avoid
You are scroll through what seems to be an endless amount of properties through different sites, and whether you are a firm believer in Craigslist or not, there are countless alarming things to look out for when dealing with a scammer. Here are a few…
Buying Neglected Commercial Apartment Buildings From Banks
The real estate market has been changing in the past decade, between the years 2016 and 2020 many banks will be forced to foreclose and liquidate a portion of their commercial holdings. The reason for this is several banks have too many commercial loans on…
5 Steps to Help Get Your Tenant-buyer Closed
The brilliant tips will help you close the deal. Several of us have had properties that were scheduled to be fixed and flipped and are now fixed and… well, let’s just say not flipped. These often turn into rentals and the best rental is one…
Investing in Apartment Buildings Instead of Houses
Purchasing apartments while starting your real estate career is a great way to begin. While buying an apartment in a busy city is not easy it has it ‘s benefits. Property Records Inc has great tips for making money when you purchase your first apartment…
What Do Landlords Look for When Checking Your Credit Score to Rent an Apartment?
When you’re looking for an apartment to rent there are a few things you need to consider. The landlord will check your credit score even if you have rented an apartment for the past 5, 10 or even 15-years. Landlords want to make sure the…